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All tweets by @jemishaaazzz (page 23 of 65)

@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
#BlackLivesMatter projection on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills at tonight's #BlackXmas action
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
LaVar Ball is creating a basketball league for top players who don’t want to go to college, will pay players up to $10K per month
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
The biggest #TaxBill in 30 years passed. Yet #1 trending on Twitter is Lavar Ball Lavar Ball -1 Donie Trump - 0
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
What a racist cartoon. So only minorites are poor??
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
A young boy called 911 to stop the Grinch from stealing Christmas?
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
How I'm tryna be in 2018
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  20 Dec 2017
"Obamacare has been repealed...I told people specifically to be quiet...I didn't want them to talk about it." Trump doesn't quite understand how Obamacare works. He just knows it's named after #Obama..
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
This is why so many are taking the knee. Cops are not thinking about country, flag or National Anthem when they are abusing their power.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
Clara B. Williams college professors did not allow her inside the classroom because she was Black. But that didn’t stop her. She took notes from the hallway–standing up! She eventually graduated at the age of 51 and lived to 108 years old and saw her 3 sons become doctors.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
Whenever you think that life has been unfair to you, look at this picture.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
They did it. They don’t care if they get voted out, they undid the accomplishments of the black guy... which is all this has ever really been about.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
They didn’t save health care for 9 million kids. They didn’t save 800,000 DREAMers from being deported. They didn’t protect us from guns. They didn’t make us safer. They didn’t create any jobs. They didn’t help seniors, students or disabled. Republicans only helped themselves.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
Dems need to be just as unapologetic about helping the poor as Republicans are about the rich.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
Sounds... familiar ?
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
When history looks back on today, it will note not the Jill Stein story, or Don Jr. trumpeting "Deep State" conspiracy theories, or even a destructive tax bill that will either discredit the GOP or be ditched when the Dems take over—or both—but this story:
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
HAPPENING NOW: Memphis city officials transfer park ownership, vote to remove Confederate statues immediately from local parks
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  21 Dec 2017
All the feels: Watch 10-year-old Nyla open her 17-year-old sister Mia's acceptance letter to Harvard University.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
'Tis the season for a throwback Obama holiday card. ? #ChristmasEveEve
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
How college students were coming back home, then realizing exactly why they we wanted to leave in the first place.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
In Oval Office meeting, Trump raged about immigrants coming into the country, according to officials. Haitians? They "all have AIDS," he snapped. Nigerians? After seeing America, they won't want to "go back to their huts." @shearm @juliehdavis
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
‘As an American, U.S. citizen, I have the constitutional right to have the pursuit of happiness, and without the DREAM Act and the immigration reform, I am not fulfilling that. — This 11-year-old daughter of a DREAMer is pleading with Congress
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
Barack Obama: "We We Strangers Once, Too." Donald Trump: "All Haitians Have Aids."
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
Clara B. Williams college professors did not allow her inside the classroom because she was Black. But that didn’t stop her. She took notes from the hallway–standing up! She eventually graduated at the age of 51 and lived to 108 years old and saw her 3 sons become doctors.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
"This is what white people get to feel like ALL THE TIME?!"
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
A RT can save my life. I’m 23, I have Lupus & Crohn’s disease. I’m going through IV infusion treatments that involve a chemo. I’m on oxygen. I work from home & I’m in online school. I make items to pay for medical expenses, plz buy or donate to help @ ??
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
Can’t believe Trump said something racist.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
We've been waiting for Trump to leave since 1/20/17
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
Never forget that the Trumpists are a minority. They are a ruling, authoritarian minority, but a minority nonetheless. The majority might want to consider acting like one before we slide too far down the hole.
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@jemishaaazzz   ·  23 Dec 2017
5 siblings, 8 degrees, 4 HBCUs, 1 PhD/Professor, 1 Attorney., 1 Eye Doctor, 1 Engineer, 1 Educator!?
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