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All tweets by @emmajackt (page 26 of 50)

@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss Hannity – Predicament with North Korea Because of Bill Clinton’s Failed Deal #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Actress Says Ivanka, Melania Not Good Role Models; Will Still Support Hillary For 2020 Run #trump2020 #teamtrump
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
.LouDobbs RIPS McConnell For Blaming Trump For His Leadership Failures In Senate #teamtrump #trump2020 #maga
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
So FBI raided Manafort's home in early mornings to get documents? Why didn't FBI raid DNC Headquarters to get so-called hacked servers?
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Why didn't FBI raid Hillary Clinton's offices instead of sitting down for tea & crumpets forgetting to record pivotal info dur investigation
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Is it me or does it seem every time POTUS backs or endorses a GOP Senator decision, they publicly turn on him days later? McConnell, McCain
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
RT abbydphillip: Trump warns NK not to threaten the U.S. or risk "fire and fury" NK immediately threatens US terr…
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
FBI Agents Working With Mueller Raided Manafort's Home Day After Senate Intel Testimony #teamtrump #trump2020 #maga
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
There's too much damn double standard going on for me! I am PISSED OFF to the highest of pisstivity these politicians get away with so much
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
To the FBI, I would like to see Pelosi, Waters, DNC, Soros, Clooney, Rice, Jarrett, Sidney Blumenthal homes raided due 2 corruption Thanks
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Democrats are blasting Trump's strong leadership warning to Kim Jong Un But they supported Clinton giving North Korea tools for nukes ?
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Democrats are allowed to have "persons of interests" who travel to exotic islands during investigations. Our side? We get raids in early am
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
This is the first thing he says after drinking Obama's bathwater for eight years? Seriously?
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
You have to wonder why Mueller thought it necessary to issue a search warrant in early am since Manafort has cooperated since the beginning
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Hey wait! James Comey is handing out classified memos like car reservations Why wasn't his home raided? Did he put this in motion too?
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
The media coverage of Trump is biased and overly aggressive...even I see that. Signed, The Devil
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Anyone in the Obama Admin who DIDN’T obfuscate their email affairs? Phony names, private email, separate servers — and no raids? WOW! ?
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
? Mattis to North Korea: Cease Any Consideration Of Actions That Would Lead To Destruction Of Regime, People
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Let's go back in time. What happened after Obama drew a 'pink line" in the sand? More Christians were killed in Syria #RealTalk
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
Calm down Lil' Kim Jong Un. You're not messing with wishy Democrats on this one. The grown-ups are giving you a chance to shut this down!
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
? Joe "Brzezinski Throws Shade!" — Best For U.S. If Trump Sticks To Fox & Friends, Reading Happy Stories
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss WHOA! Whoopi Just Insulted ALL Trump Voters. Look What She Said! #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss VIRAL Meme PERFECTLY Sums Up Google’s FIRING Hypocrisy! #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss Dobbs Obliterates Mitch McConnell and His Pathetic Excuses #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss Over 20k Already Raised for Fired Google Employee! #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss BREAKING : The FBI Raided Paul Manafort’s Home #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss GOP Makes BOLD Move in Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss LOL : The Official Church of Satan Just Rebuked Hillary Clinton #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss New Emails Expose Something HORRIBLE About De Blasio #emms
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@emmajackt   ·  9 Aug 2017
#emmss WOW! We Dodged a MASSIVE Bullet Folks… #emms
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