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All tweets by @johncopper16 (page 18 of 28)

@johncopper16   ·  10 Jan 2018
#MeToo reminds me that feminists are hypocrite b*tches. They don't say a word about Iranian women imprisoned for demanding the freedom to show their hair. They don't say a word about Yazidi women enslaved by ISIS. It's all about putting feminists in power.
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@johncopper16   ·  10 Jan 2018
I totally support 7-Eleven ICE raids. We need to kick the illegals out of the US so more legal Americans could get back to work. We will also save money spent on illegal aliens to support our poor black, white and brown children.
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@johncopper16   ·  10 Jan 2018
'@realDonaldTrump Japan is our greatest ally!'
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
“There's no deal on DACA without a wall." ~@VP
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
MOHAMMED ABRAAR ALI crashed into the path of the patrol vehicle at 120 miles per hour & KILLED POLICE OFFICER. It took a WEEK to release this Jihadi's name! Radical Islam MUST BE DESTROYED!
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
I like Trump even more now. So based!
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
Liberals attacking Trump for wanting more immigrants from Norway and not from shithole countries. That's actually a great idea. Norwegians are educated and they don't blow themselves up in the name of some Moon god. I don't see anything wrong here.
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
'@realDonaldTrump Build the Wall! Problem solved!'
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
Only a brainless liberal would prefer people from shithole countries to educated Norway citizens. If you like piss poor immigrants that much then go to their countries and try to make them better. Stop lowering America to Haiti and African countries standards!
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@johncopper16   ·  11 Jan 2018
Imagine that struggle in liberal heads when they try to convince themselves that Haiti and African nations are not shitholes ?
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@johncopper16   ·  12 Jan 2018
Libs say that Make America Great Again agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda. They can't be more wrong. They are so close minded. We are not racist, we just protect American values and heritage. Your skin color doesn't matter. Only your love for America matters
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@johncopper16   ·  12 Jan 2018
'@realDonaldTrump Thank you for saving our economy, Mr. Trump!'
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
Chelsea Manning, perverted traitor, runs as Democrat for US Senate in Maryland. This transgender freak is a typical Democrat. I'm sick of dem libs.
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
I will never forget how Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning who leaked 700,000 government files...
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
Well actually Chelsea Manning running for the Senate is a gift to us Republicans. Now, democrats are forced to either back a freak and a criminal or disavow a cop-hater, which will anger it BLM police-hating base.
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
#Hawaii false ballistic missile warning is a reminder to all of us that we need to take hard stance on shitholes like North Korea and Iran which are led by dumbass dictators. These countries do not deserve their nuclear arms.
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
'@realDonaldTrump Libs are bathshit crazy'
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
The “Missile Alarm System” is ran by the State of Hawaii. Dems hold all major government positions. Looks like false flag to me...
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@johncopper16   ·  13 Jan 2018
Germany destroys its beautiful ancient churches to build ugly mosques that serve as training ground for jihadists. Why are you doing that, Germany? Why are you destroying your own culture?
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
BLM activists go inside H&M acting like monkeys to "protest" that "coolest monkey in the jungle" ad. You can't be more pathetic, guys. Good thing they didn't steal anything.
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
Donald Trump cares for ALL Americans. The leftist media narrative is being pushed by the racists: the democrat leaders who want to keep Black communities poor in exchange for votes. Soon everything will change...
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
RETWEET if you think that Donald Trump is the epitome of mental strength and badassness!
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
Lindsey Graham who blasted Trump for 'Shithole' comment called Mexico a 'Hellhole' in 2013. All that doublethink... He must be a democrat in disguise.
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
People elected Trump because he talked directly and plainly. He didn't take 30 minutes to make a 30 second statement. It's not a big surprise that liberals who wear vagina costumes in public lost. America doesn't need you. You have no future.
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@johncopper16   ·  14 Jan 2018
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@johncopper16   ·  15 Jan 2018
Just a reminder that MLK was a conservative. #MLKDay
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@johncopper16   ·  15 Jan 2018
Republicans have always treated women and minorities as equals Democrats prior to JFK were anti-civil rights, anti-women's suffrage, and pro-slavery Today Libs treat women and minorities as victims instead of equal.
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@johncopper16   ·  15 Jan 2018
Crazy Mexican illegal who has been deported 5 times hijacks bus in sanctuary state northern Illinois. Threatens 40 people. NO DACA
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@johncopper16   ·  16 Jan 2018
SJW feminist travels to Haiti to prove it's not a shithole country. Then she gets raped...
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@johncopper16   ·  16 Jan 2018
Illegal immigrant is not a race. Muslim jihadist is not a race. Stop calling people that want laws enforced RACISTS! #MLKDay
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