@kelvin_chambers is a Twitter account created by the Internet Research Agency, a "troll factory" operated on behalf of the Russian government. It was part of a campaign to sway politics and elections in the West, especially the United States. For more information, read our FAQ
Tweets |
See all 2,555 tweets by @kelvin_chambers
Hashtags |
See 1,000 hashtags used by @kelvin_chambers
Followers |
1,684 |
Max Followers |
1,718 |
Following |
1,667 |
Retweets |
1,817 (71%) |
Category |
RightTroll |
Type |
Right |
Time Active |
Jan 13, 2015 - May 3, 2017 (2 years)
Languages |
Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi (Persian), French, German, Hindi, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Pushto, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Uzbek |
Regions |
United States |