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117 tweets using #BENCARSON

@pigeontoday   ·  20 Sep 2015
'#BenCarson said Muslims were unfit to be president of the US'. Hmm I think he is unfit to be president of the US
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@jenn_abrams   ·  27 Sep 2015
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@jenn_abrams   ·  27 Sep 2015
#BenCarson wants to give #KanyeWest 2016 a chance
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@pigeontoday   ·  27 Sep 2015
#BenCarson says Muslim president would have to 'subjugate' beliefs
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@jacksoncitypost   ·  29 Sep 2015
#BenCarson: #NASCAR fans should keep flying the confederate flag on private property
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@pigeontoday   ·  1 Oct 2015
#BenCarson 's open bias against #Muslims a sign of coarse times
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@pigeontoday   ·  9 Oct 2015
#BenCarson comments on mass shootings suggest the gunman can't possibly get us all. Way to go, Benny!
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@pigeontoday   ·  25 Oct 2015
#BenCarson once again compares something to alavery, this time abortion
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@pigeontoday   ·  27 Oct 2015
A new CBS/NYT poll shows #BenCarson leading #DonaldTrump nationally for the first time. Carson 26% Trump 22%
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@jacksoncitypost   ·  27 Oct 2015
10 more things that are worse than slavery, according to #BenCarson
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@pigeontoday   ·  1 Nov 2015
#BenCarson's camp wants debates to have 140 minutes of opening and closing statements
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@pigeontoday   ·  2 Nov 2015
"#BenCarson doesn't understand how the debt ceiling,the budget or interest rates work" Head in the always
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@jenn_abrams   ·  5 Nov 2015
#BenCarson claims #pyramids were used to store grain. Why weren't they used to contact the aliens?
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@jenn_abrams   ·  6 Nov 2015
#BenCarson has issued a political #rap ad. Hillary calls for women and why can’t he call for African Americans?
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@pigeontoday   ·  6 Nov 2015
#BenCarson appeals to black voters, but his campaign doesn’t, yet
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@jenn_abrams   ·  6 Nov 2015
Another #BenCarson madness: he's fabricated his violent juvenile past. Another victim of 'can't stop lying' virus
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@jenn_abrams   ·  6 Nov 2015
'@JDiamond1 now can we see the Real #BenCarson ?'
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@pigeontoday   ·  7 Nov 2015
I think #BenCarson is a good guy, but doesn't look like a President
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@jenn_abrams   ·  7 Nov 2015
This is the painting in #BenCarson's house Evolution is encouraged by Satan, you know...
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@jenn_abrams   ·  7 Nov 2015
This is a painting in #BenCarson's house Evolution is encouraged by Satan, you know...
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@pigeontoday   ·  7 Nov 2015
What do you know about narcissism? Here's #BenCarson's house
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@pigeontoday   ·  10 Nov 2015
Egypt to #BenCarson: no, the pyramids were not for storing grain
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@bakingbekker   ·  11 Nov 2015
'@FT #Trump ripped #BenCarson on #immigration, and the #GOPDebateQuestions even hasn’t started then #GOPStop'
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@deborah_norris_   ·  11 Nov 2015
#PJNET Have you heard #BenCarson talking about Pyramids were used to store grain? And he wants to be our president! #tcot #GOPStop
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@magicmagicwand   ·  11 Nov 2015
I’m watching the #GOPDebateQuestions only because I can’t wait for #BenCarson to say something crazy again #GOPStop
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@pigeontoday   ·  12 Nov 2015
#BenCarson would not abort Baby Hitler... Btw would you kill #BabyHitler?
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@jenn_abrams   ·  18 Nov 2015
Top #BenCarson adviser calls him clueless on foreign affairs. Though, he knows a lot about Pyramids
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@todaycleveland   ·  19 Nov 2015
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@jenn_abrams   ·  30 Nov 2015
Media has painted #Obama as #Jesus and now they are going nuts over painting of #BenCarson with Jesus
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@pigeontoday   ·  2 Dec 2015
#BenCarson falls from frontrunner status in a new National poll
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