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4,034 tweets using #Gopdebate (page 115 of 135)

@garret_candice   ·  29 Jan 2016
Durham resigns as Whip after Tennessean investigation #GOPDebate #StopTheGOP
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@joyce_jackson18   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate John Kasich and Chris Christie Pick Up Endorsements in New Hampshire Race
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@power_4life   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Sheriff Joe Arpaio to stump for Trump
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@adele_brock   ·  29 Jan 2016
Ted Cruz Mega-Donors Holding Veterans Charities Hostage for Donald Trump Debate #StopTheGOP #GOPDebate
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@catkelley_   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate John Kasich to Skip Iowa on Caucus Day to Focus on New Hampshire
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@donnie_hero_   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Sheriff Joe to endorse Trump
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@fukkkkherr   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate Whats natural-born?
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@fukkkkherr   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Where to watch and listen to tonights GOP presidential debate on TV, radio and the
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@sherlymonmonc   ·  29 Jan 2016
Ted Cruz Slammed as Phony Christian for Not Tithing #StopTheGOP #GOPDebate
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@shermueller   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Where to watch and listen to tonightsGOP presidential debate on TV, radio and the Internet, Trump or no Trump
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@shermueller   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Where to watch and listen to tonightsGOP presidential debate on TV,
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@altmanbelinda   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Who Is InFox News GOPDebate? Without Trump, Cruz, Rubio To Spar Before Iowa Caucus
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@donatellojack   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate Who Is InFox News GOPDebate? Without Trump, Cruz, Rubio To Spar Before I
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@donnie_hero_   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate South Florida mayors want to talk climate change withMarco Rubio
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@fukkkkherr   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Who Is In Fox NewsGOP Debate? Without Trump, Cruz, Rubio To Spar
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@garret_candice   ·  29 Jan 2016
Ending RFS mandate is good #GOPDebate #StopTheGOP
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@herbert_bacon   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate Julianne Hough, Vanessa Hudgens,
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@kari_dodson   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate Sorry Bernie, Iowa and New Hampshire only matter tothe GOP
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@power_4life   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Sneak Peak Behind GREASE: LIVE! Rehearsals
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@ssabrinahuh   ·  29 Jan 2016
ENERGY MATTERS:Cruz, Trump differ on ethanol #GOPDebate #StopTheGOP
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@alexwarningu   ·  29 Jan 2016
2016 path different for past Caucus winnersSantoru #GOPDebate #StopTheGOP
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@alexwarningu   ·  29 Jan 2016
15 Florida mayors send letters toMarco Rubio and Jeb Bush requesting meetings on #StopTheGOP #GOPDebate
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@altmanbelinda   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Why AreRepublicans So Angry, and 4 Other Questions for the IowaDebate
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@amalia_petty   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP June 2016 Will Be An Insane Soccer Month
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@herbert_bacon   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Kasich stands alone
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@liangbertie   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP WhyJohn Kasich isnt feeling the Bern: Ohio Politics Roundu
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@oneloveunicorns   ·  29 Jan 2016
#StopTheGOP #GOPDebate State Intervention -- Not Bankruptcy -- in Cards for Cash-Strapped Atlantic City
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@realwaterlilyy   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP Kasich Ties With Cruz For Second Place In NH Poll
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@vickyroooy   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP StateGOP chairman, House speaker call on Durham to resign
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@catkelley_   ·  29 Jan 2016
#GOPDebate #StopTheGOP King blasts Branstad for critique ofCruz ethanol policy
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