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2,920 tweets using #OBAMA (page 18 of 98)

@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
So we have no power thanks to the hurricane near the coast... Thanks #Obama! @the_real_bitman Reach Speeds of Obama @baddragon_en
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
IM GONNA EMAIL OBAMA ABOUT MAKING THE STEAK SUB $5 AT SUBWAY. @TanaRocks_ To @thehill Ya you don't want #obama rubbing you. @FijianPrince
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
To @CalFreedomMom @StefanoVP2013 Has anyone mentioned that to #obama? @beingcatholic1 To @Ciroc_Obama Thanks goodnight @PinkCocaineKush
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
The man who doesn't quit, win or lose, is a success. #Obama @HicksCarla Barack Obama @Cara_button To @Obama_naija wad up bro @DejayWow
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
#LOL At least Bagger "wimpy" is appropriately named given your ridiculous "fear" of #Obama 's #Hillary @MooAnn64
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@chesplayschess   ·  14 Jun 2015
#ISIS: We Can Buy a Nuke From Pakistan A Very Dangerous World That #Obama Has Allowed to Develop #WakeupAmerica
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
Team #obama: open and honest communication in the organization @PupsherLive @vinnie_singer @emily_obama @suhrmesa
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
I've known all my Life I'm a Poor Black Woman. When is #obama going to invite me to to Celebrate @sensei7 @Iddybud
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@jenn_abrams   ·  14 Jun 2015
Today #Obama will announce that he has a strategy about how to defeat #ISIS Trolling level: Expert
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@williethelion   ·  14 Jun 2015
As I see #Obama wants new victims! #IraqVol3
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@hernamewasnancy   ·  14 Jun 2015
I don't belive #Obama made a good decision! #IraqVol3
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@mrmustachee   ·  14 Jun 2015
#Obama gonna train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight, military minded! #IraqVol3
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
#Obama gonna train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight, military minded! #IraqVol3 @mrMustachee @Bucephalus300 @DRowe_3
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
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@austinlovesbeer   ·  14 Jun 2015
#Obama is missing blood! #IraqVol3
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
#PaulRyan should listen to a little more. Maybe he wouldn't work so hard for #Obama. @02dilemaRD @Patrick0215
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@freediscuss   ·  14 Jun 2015
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@chesplayschess   ·  15 Jun 2015
#Obama/Hillary/Most Dems are Totalitarian Statists. Instead of #WeThePeople, They Think it's #TheyTheGovt; Rule Us, Not Serve Us #tcot
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@chesplayschess   ·  15 Jun 2015
#Obama Admin Denied Threat of ISIS Crossing Border … … … Ever Get The Feeling We're Being Set Up For Disaster? #tcot
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@chesplayschess   ·  15 Jun 2015
#Obama/Hillary/Most Dems are Totalitarian Statists. Instead of #WeThePeople, They Think it's #TheyTheGovt; Rule Us, Not Serve Us #tcot
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@chesplayschess   ·  15 Jun 2015
#Obama Scandals: Sometimes Think That the BIGGEST SCANDAL OF ALL is That The "I Have a Pen" President hasn't Been Impeached/Removed #tcot
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@jenn_abrams   ·  15 Jun 2015
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@jenn_abrams   ·  15 Jun 2015
I'm just going to leave this idiotic tatoo here #Obama #Tatoo #binladen
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@jenn_abrams   ·  15 Jun 2015
President #Obama sending 450 more troops to #Iraq
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@chesplayschess   ·  17 Jun 2015
#Obama's The Worst President We've Ever Had, And The Worst Man We've Ever Had as President. Liar, Hypocrite, Saboteur #tcot
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@arm_2_alan   ·  17 Jun 2015
Between #Hillary & #Obama We Are Missing Billions ��� Trust #TPP #StopTPA ⁉️ #WakeUpAmerica #tcot #PJNET
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@chesplayschess   ·  17 Jun 2015
#Obama = The Kind of American President That Would Have Our Founding Fathers Rolling Over in Their Graves #tcot
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@jenn_abrams   ·  18 Jun 2015
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@politweecs   ·  20 Jun 2015
#Obama on gun control: 'We need a change in attitude'.
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@guillnavarrete   ·  20 Jun 2015
Atkkisson: CBS Deliberately W/Held #Benghazi Soundbite to Help #Obama Win Reelection … Anything For "The Chosen One"
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