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1,643 tweets using #Prayers4California (page 25 of 55)

@mandy9stevens   ·  3 Dec 2015
A terrorist breaks the law to kill us for our freedom, Obama takes our freedom to own a gun. The terrorist win #Prayers4California
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@priceforpierce   ·  3 Dec 2015
"...the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone..." #2A #tcot #Prayers4California
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@westernwindwes   ·  3 Dec 2015
I wonder if a totalitarian country like #NorthKorea can be freed if we gave them all guns #Prayers4California
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@davboyd_   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP When is this violence going to end? #Prayers4California
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@heyits_toby   ·  3 Dec 2015
Prayers and thoughts go out to all the families involved in this tragedy #Prayers4California
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@jeannemccarthy0   ·  3 Dec 2015
It was obviously a terrorist attack, nothing in common with #guncontrol #Prayers4California
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@jeannemccarthy0   ·  3 Dec 2015
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@jeannemccarthy0   ·  3 Dec 2015
it's very important to have a public discussion about why we're denying our soldiers the ability to exercise #2A rights #Prayers4California
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@stanley_cox_   ·  3 Dec 2015
Fighting #ISIS by prohibiting guns in our country? Best idea ever #Prayers4California
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@brianwarning   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California Does Obama really think criminals would stop shooting people with new #guncontrol rules? #tcot
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@cookncooks   ·  3 Dec 2015
The Second Amendment hasn’t prevented a single gun-control law from being passed. The federal govtis out of control #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
What is Obama thinking about? Banning guns in America won’t help defeating ISIS as well as #climatechange reforms #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California How can federal government violate our Constitutional rights when mass shootings occur everymonth?
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
#SanBernardino mass shooting. We need guns #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP SMDH�#SanBernardino chaos today #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP #GunControl is not about guns, it’s about control #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
My heart goes out to the families, friends, coworkers of those who died or were injured #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
The Second Amendment belongs to us as individual citizens. It does not belong to a city or a state #tcot #2A #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California let’s pray together
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
guns don't kill and people do #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
Isn’t #SanBernardino just another proof that Obama’s #guncontrol won’t work? #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
It was a crazy lunatic with an unlawfully obtained gun, does #guncontrol regulate lunatics? #Prayers4California
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@laurabaeley   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP It wasn’t a gun it was a Muslim #Prayers4California
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@pati_cooper   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California gun free zone? yeah, criminals will definitely respect them
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@aldrich420   ·  3 Dec 2015
The Second Amendment hasn’t prevented a single gun-control law from being passed. The federal govtis out of control #Prayers4California
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@danny_turner_1   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP #Prayers4California you need a gun to protect yourself
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@kateritterrrr   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California Yes, "gun control" because clearly criminals/terrorists obey laws. #LiberalLogic
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@msheathowens   ·  3 Dec 2015
My heart goes out to the families, friends, coworkers of those who died or were injured #Prayers4California
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@msheathowens   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP the worst day ever #Prayers4California
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