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2,920 tweets using #obama (page 28 of 98)

@politweecs   ·  6 Aug 2015
#CarlyFiorina " #Obama has break every rule of negotiation" #GOPDebate
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@politweecs   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama and comedian Larry David play golf at the Farm Neck Golf Club during his vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Mass
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@amamcamcam   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@assuncaowallas   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@guidilillie   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@kristin_marsh_   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@loreenpaolera   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@rachelray1203   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death #FergusonRemembers
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@ravenicholson   ·  9 Aug 2015
#fergusonremembers #Obama said that racism has no place in our country but it still prospers, a year after #MikeBrown’s death
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@jenn_abrams   ·  9 Aug 2015
#Obama says Netanyahu hasn't offered better ideas for Iran #nukedeal. Has he listened?
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@politweecs   ·  11 Aug 2015
This tea advertisement in China. Whoa...� #politics #Obama #creative
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@jenn_abrams   ·  11 Aug 2015
#Obama sent three representatives for #MikeBrown and zero for the soldiers killed in #Chattanooga
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@oliviadwarren   ·  11 Aug 2015
#FergusonRemembers #Obama says there’s no excuse to use excessive force against peaceful protests but talks is not enough
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@ravenicholson   ·  11 Aug 2015
#Obama is failing black people in America #BlackLivesMatter #FergusonRemembers
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@terrancepatient   ·  11 Aug 2015
#Obama is failing black people in America #BlackLivesMatter #FergusonRemembers
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@old_new_policy   ·  12 Aug 2015
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@politweecs   ·  14 Aug 2015
The Bush family obsession with Iraq makes #JebBush blame #Obama for contributing to the rise of #ISIS
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@old_new_policy   ·  14 Aug 2015
Кажется @BarackObama начал что-то понимать. #Obama #USA #Russia
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@politics_t0day   ·  14 Aug 2015
Кажется @BarackObama начал что-то понимать. #Obama #USA #Russia
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@old_new_policy   ·  17 Aug 2015
Проклятие Обамы с помощью @YouTube #Obama
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@politweecs   ·  17 Aug 2015
#Obama #mondaymotivation "OK, what else shall I ruin?"
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@politweecs   ·  18 Aug 2015
#HillaryClinton breaks with #Obama administration on #Arctic drilling. What a twist!
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@old_new_policy   ·  18 Aug 2015
Секретное оружие Обамы с помощью @YouTube #Обама #Obama #USA #Russia
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@politweecs   ·  19 Aug 2015
People want #Obama to do something actually useful, but he...
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@old_new_policy   ·  19 Aug 2015
Риверс: Барак #Обама гей, Мишель Обама мужчина с помощью @YouTube #СтопЛГБТ #США #Obama #USA
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@old_new_policy   ·  19 Aug 2015
Первый трансгендер в Белом доме #СтопЛГБТ #Obama #USA #Обама
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@jenn_abrams   ·  19 Aug 2015
Russia's #Putin would consider meeting #Obama at UN
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@pigeontoday   ·  23 Aug 2015
'@POTUS unveils compensation package for #Israel after #IranDeal #Obama #Iran'
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@pigeontoday   ·  26 Aug 2015
What is regrettable is your presidency, #Obama! #Japan
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@pigeontoday   ·  26 Aug 2015
#Obama to face reckoning in New Orleans over Katrina promises. Let's see what he lies this time...oh, I mean says
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