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1,643 tweets using #prayers4california (page 33 of 55)

@rlovenosause   ·  3 Dec 2015
It was obviously a terrorist attack, nothing in common with #guncontrol #Prayers4California
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@rlovenosause   ·  3 Dec 2015
any information on motive yet? #prayforsanbernadino #Prayers4California
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@rlovenosause   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP My #Prayers4California I hope this won’t happen to our country again
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@ryanmaxwell_1   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP There's to many people dying now a'days #Prayers4California
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@themanmachine17   ·  3 Dec 2015
You know that thing where people say "I never thought something like this would happen here? I get it now #SanBernardino #Prayers4California
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@alfredthree   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP Thinking of everyone #Prayers4California
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@archieolivers   ·  3 Dec 2015
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" - Thomas Jefferson #2A #nra #tcot #Prayers4California
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@chesplayschess   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California to reclaim their Constitutional rights and be able to defend their lives. Who Would you trust?
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@clydedaws0n   ·  3 Dec 2015
MY right to defend myself supersedes YOUR irrational fear of guns #2A #NRA #Prayers4California
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@clydedaws0n   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP Gun can save your life #Prayers4California
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@clydedaws0n   ·  3 Dec 2015
#Prayers4California We stay strong between criminals with guns and authorities who want us disarmed
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@colbyst1   ·  3 Dec 2015
After #ParisAttacks everyone was obsessed w/how irreligious attackers were -now focus on how religious shooter was #Prayers4California
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@cynthiamhunter   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP I hardly believe we are still alive. #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
#GunFreeZones can’t save you from being killed #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
Patriots, to get more information about recent shooting, please avoid liberal media. #tcot #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
Stay safe California. #prayforsanbernadino ♥️ #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
It would be better if #dems would take a more careful look at refugees than at the fellow citizens #tcot #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
If you don’t have a gun you have no opportunity for self-defense #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
Tragedy of #SanBernardino is the outcome of establishing gun-free zones, but you just can't explain it to lefties #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
#SanBernardino shooters had legally bought guns? Really? #Prayers4California
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@deusxyx   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP current president is the reason to buy a gun #Prayers4California
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@devinedevinbr   ·  3 Dec 2015
So, marijuana should be legalized but guns should be prohibited? #LiberalLogic #Prayers4California
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@devinedevinbr   ·  3 Dec 2015
Isn’t #SanBernardino just another proof that Obama’s #guncontrol won’t work? #Prayers4California
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@edwardbroberts   ·  3 Dec 2015
My pea shooter did not do this. It is innocent. #nra #Prayers4California
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@evagreen69   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP another day, another shooting.. #Prayers4California
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@garrettsimpson_   ·  3 Dec 2015
#tcot gun control isn’t necessary #Prayers4California
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@glennharper_   ·  3 Dec 2015
The #SanBernardino massacre wasn't the only mass shooting in the U.S. Wednesday #Prayers4California
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@hollydler   ·  3 Dec 2015
RIP Obama, stop pretending you care #Prayers4California
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@ignitedfirestar   ·  3 Dec 2015
Now #SanBernardino knows the consequences of gun control #Prayers4California
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@lelandgraves_   ·  3 Dec 2015
Now I see the Government is mistaken in gun control #Prayers4California
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