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1,418 tweets using #saa (page 24 of 48)

@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Hama \| #SAA shelled rebels in Zara and opened the fire of heavy machineguns on areas in Hirbnafsah town
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #SAA units battle #ISIS in Deir ez-Zor
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Aleppo \| The top commander of Al-Zinki militants Abdel Fattah Mansour was killed by #SAA in Western Aleppo
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA captured several villages east of Khanaser
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
'@todayinsyria Russian planes dropped supplies to #SAA in Deir ez-Zor Airbase which is still besieged by #ISIS'
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Damascus Wadi Barada \| Reportedly #SAA captured Areed al-Saman hill near Afrah
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Homs \| #SAA and NDF launched new offensive and are advancing in east of Qaryateyn and south of T4 Airbase towards Homs deserts
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Homs \| Map of East Khanaser after #SAA advance against #ISIS
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Homs \| #SAA and allies battle #ISIS south of T4 Airbase and east of Qaryateyn and advancing towards Bardah village. 1
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
'@todayinsyria #SAA and allies battle #ISIS south of T4 Airbase and east of Qaryateyn and advancing towards Bardah village. 2'
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| #SAA forces entering Afrah village in Wadi Barada
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@todayinsyria   ·  21 Jan 2017
The moment #ISIS fighters group being bombed by #SAA tank in the perimeter of T4 airbase eastern #Homs
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA forces captured Soran from #ISIS
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Daraa \| #SAA targeting a convoy of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham fighters with a roadside bomb on the Kafr Nasj - Al-Mal road. 10 - were killed
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| Clashes between #SAA and rebels in the axis of Qasimiyah, Hazrama and Muhammadaiyah
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #SAA repelled #ISIS attack on surroundings of Panorama base
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA captured the villages of Marran, Sarjah Saghira and Sarjah Kabira
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Homs \| #SAA and allies battle #ISIS to establish control over more areas near T4 Airbase
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Homs \| Clashes between #SAA and #ISIS in the East of Homs province
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#Homs \| Pro-gov sources claim that elite #SAA units 'Military Security Shield Forces' expelled #ISIS from Hill 725
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #ISIS shows off battles against #SAA in Jabal Al-'Amal area
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Jan 2017
#DeirEzzor \| Clashes between #SAA and #ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Cemetery
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| Footage of clashes between #SAA and rebels in Ayn al-Fijah; Wadi Barada
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| Fierce clashes between #SAA and rebels in Al-Bahariyah, Al-Qasimyah and farms in the vicinity of Al-Nashabiyah
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Jan 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA captured Dir'iya, Dara‘iyah Umm Adas and Khan Hufra villages from #ISIS
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Jan 2017
#Homs \| Clashes between #SAA and #ISIS around the town of Al-Qaryatayn
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Jan 2017
'@todayinsyria while #SAA forces are now attempting to retake the Junayd Company in order to reopen the land supply route to Airbase'
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@todayinsyria   ·  26 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| #SAA forces have managed to successfully repel an offensive carried out by rebels on Vehicle management in Harasta
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@todayinsyria   ·  26 Jan 2017
#Damascus \| Ongoing clashes between #SAA #Hezbollah and rebels on the axis of Ayn al-Fijah
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@todayinsyria   ·  26 Jan 2017
#Homs \| #SAA captured 2 hills northen Tiyas Hills from #ISIS
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