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1,418 tweets using #saa (page 27 of 48)

@todayinsyria   ·  15 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Ahrar al-Sham claim killed ~50 #SAA soldiers and captured some weapons this morning in Mount Hermon near Bayt Jinn
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@todayinsyria   ·  16 Feb 2017
#Homs \| #SAA recaptured Bayarat Gharbiyah en route to Palmyra
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@todayinsyria   ·  16 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| Updated map of the military situation in eastern part of Aleppo. #SAA captured Humemeh Hill from #ISIS
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@todayinsyria   ·  16 Feb 2017
#Latakia \| Rebels bombarded the #SAA positions with Grad missiles in Shillif and Kensabba towns
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Clashes between #SAA and rebels in Jobar district
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Homs \| #SAA captured al-Kulaybah farms in Western Bayarat
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Homs \| #SAA footage from Kulaybah farms in Western Bayarat
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Clashes between #SAA and #ISIS in Hajar al-Aswad
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Clashes between #SAA and rebels in Kafr Batna
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #ISIS preachers call Deir ez-Zor citizens on Friday preaching to join them to carry out attacks on #SAA in the near future
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@todayinsyria   ·  17 Feb 2017
#Homs \| #ISIS shells #SAA positions at al-Baydhah al-Sharqiyah crossroad east of T4 Airbase
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@todayinsyria   ·  18 Feb 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #ISIS targets #SAA positions in eastern part of Jabal Harabesh
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Feb 2017
#Homs \| #SAA liberates new points in west Palmyra from #ISIS
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@todayinsyria   ·  19 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Clashes between #SAA and Jaish al-Islam in Housh al Nasri front
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Daraa \| #SAA losses in Manshiyah: 30 soldiers + 12 officers, 2 tanks, 23mm + bulldozer & militants captured tank shells + 14.5 gun
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Fierce clashes between #SAA and rebels in Qaboun district. #SAA attempts to seize this pocket
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Damascus \| Fierce clashes between #SAA and rebels in Qaboun district. #SAA attempts to seize this pocket
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Homs \| Russia’s Tu-95 carried out several airstrikes over the western countryside of Palmyra and reportedly: #SAA reached al-Qadri Farms
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| Rebels repelled an attempt by #SAA to advance towards al-Rashideen
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@todayinsyria   ·  20 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA impose control over the Raqqa Bridge west of Aleppo
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #SAA and its allies captured Alloush Hill from #ISIS in the cemetery area south Deir ez-Zor
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA liberated several villages and hilltops from #ISIS in east Aleppo countryside and less than 5 km away from Deir Hafer
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #SAA targeted and killed scores of #ISIS terrorists in the Workers district on the southern part of Deir ez-Zor city
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA and allies captured Souq al-Jibs from rebels south-west of Aleppo city
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
'@todayinsyria fierce clashes between #SAA and Tahrir al-Sham in Rashideen sectors 4 and 5'
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#DeirEzzor \| #SAA battles #ISIS in cemetery area
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@todayinsyria   ·  22 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| Footage of clashes between #SAA and Tahrir al-Sham in Souq al-Jibs, south-west of Aleppo city
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Feb 2017
#Hama \| Clashes between #SAA and #ISIS near Salamiyah - Ithriyah highway in eastern countryside of Hama
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Feb 2017
#Homs \| Fierce clashes between #SAA and #ISIS in Bayarat area
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@todayinsyria   ·  23 Feb 2017
#Aleppo \| #SAA captured Rasm Al-Shiekh from #ISIS
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