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870 tweets using #Icelebratetrumpwith (page 16 of 29)

@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith by replicating what's going to happen to this country, by burning an American flag
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith "And the thunder rolls, and the lightning strikes, another love grows cold..."
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith thinking of 8 prosperous years of Trump's presidency followed by 8 years continuation with Mike Pence.
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith Driving every illegal alien from my neighborhood to the US-Mexico border
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith waiting for America to be great again, 2 weeks, a month tops right :)
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith The media. Naw, just playin'
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebratetrumpwith ~Avicii "wake me up when it's all over, when America's wiser and Donald's older"
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith Throwing a TV from my window
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith Some tacos. I'm trying to be ironic.
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith two words for all the celebrities who said they'd leave...
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith god is good family
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith rereading The Art Of The Deal, especially the part about "truthful hyperbole," something his supporters forgot about.
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
Our hashtag today is #ICelebrateTrumpWith How are you spending this day?
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith one last really good burrito before I have to travel to Mexico for it.
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith cashing in on those bets I placed. Pay up people.
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith Making every space safe again
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith jokes about how he's going to end the world
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a deep breath, resignation, refocused hope & a positive attitude: this country needs every single 1 of us, at our best.
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith the ladies in his family
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith asking my Canadian friend for a pro forma marriage
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith @realDonaldTrump now isn't it time for some payback on corruption? N the corrupt media too lol for now it's Victory
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a middle finger to all nice ppl around the world.�
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith no faith in democracy
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith saying I'm proud to be an American, without feeling ashamed anymore!! #AmericansLivesMatter
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith charging Canadian government to upgrade their migration servers.
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith A date to my Ex-GF .!
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@chrixmorgan   ·  9 Nov 2016
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@amandavgreen   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith hypocrisy How do you get rid of corruption by putting a corruptor in charge?
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