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870 tweets using #Icelebratetrumpwith (page 18 of 29)

@cassieweltch   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith . No, I don't celebrate
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@queenofthewo   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith some champaign. I hope I'll drink myself to death
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@calebpaar   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith starting my new business. You wanna get rich? I'll tell you how
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@fameonyoubitch   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith tears of joy.
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@calebpaar   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith hoping that America won't spiral into Apocalypse
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@toneporter   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a bucnh of friends who said they'd kill themselves if he wins. Too scared to leave them alone
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@cassieweltch   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith Starting to build the wall
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@queenofthewo   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith sleeping pills. Wake me up in 4 years
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@jarrardnorman   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a poem. Roses are red/Violets are blue/Trump is now president/So fuck you
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@queenofthewo   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith getting wasted af
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@fameonyoubitch   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith painting my black door orange
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith rereading The Art Of The Deal, especially the part about "truthful hyperbole," something his supporters forgot about.
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith jokes about how he's going to end the world
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith an update to my passport. Fast-passing into Cananda, now. Probably; harder to get back, I'm guessing.
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith preparations for America to be great again
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a heaping helping of humble pie.
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith saying I'm proud to be an American, without feeling ashamed anymore!! #AmericansLivesMatter
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#Icelebratetrumpwith Lard sandwiches, booze, crystal meth, unprotected anal sex, becoming an unlicensed cage fighter etc. Fuck it! Why not?
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith the ladies in his family
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
excising your American right to get shot and having no health care to get yourself fixed up #ICelebrateTrumpWith
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith scheduling my lobotomy. (If you can't beat 'em join 'em)
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith liters of coffee: I don't wanna miss him screwing up America
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a grab + a Tic Tac
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith re-thinking every failure I made in life
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith one-way ticket to Argentina
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith being reassured by mommy that he won't take it all away. #LOLNothingMatters
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a typical 'Murican Sale. Everything must go! Houses Jobs Decency
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith a beer. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another.
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@gab1aldana   ·  9 Nov 2016
#ICelebrateTrumpWith A fresh batch of grape Kool-Aid.
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