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916 tweets using #IFIWereYourMom (page 15 of 31)

@curtisbigman   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I wanted to get a car on the Mother’s day
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@hellieedwards   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom there would be an everyday competition. If you lose you wash all the dishes
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@melvinsroberts   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I would correct your grammar in every message
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom ‘When I was your age…’
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I'd hate this stupid hash tag game
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I'd want you to think you were pretty damn lucky!
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@gab1aldana   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you would know the difference between different kinds of alcohol since you get 10
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you wouldn't be here. That "birthing process" thing looked really painful. I'm not that stretchy.
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you wouldn't sprinkle when you tinkle, without wiping the seat. (applies to both men and women!)
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
I hate you because God hates you #IfIWereYourMom
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@curtisbigman   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I would know nothing about how to use computers
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I'd let you figure some things out on your own, even if it hurt me inside. @WorldOfHashtags
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@brightandglory   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I wouldn’t like the music you listen to
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I would tell all your friends that embarrassing story from your childhood
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
'@nollaigkelly @WorldOfHashtags #IfIWereYourMom if I use your middle name, you'd better run off and join the Foreign Legion.'
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you wouldn't be here. That "birthing process" thing looked really painful. I'm not that stretchy.
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
'@nollaigkelly @WorldOfHashtags #IfIWereYourMom if I use your middle name, you'd better run off and join the Foreign Legion.'
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@chesplayschess   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom, you'd have the most beautiful, and caring mother in America. Mexico, if I get deported.
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom Then i'd be a woman. Well, gotta try everything at least once. =P
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@chesplayschess   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you wouln't eat that kitten
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@babyjannymeow   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you’d be the best kid ever
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@chesplayschess   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I would make you better lunch box than that.
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@babyjannymeow   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom it’s gonna be weird
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
I have a gun. And I'm serious. #IfIWereYourMom
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@chesplayschess   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom, I'd remind you that you're over 30 and single - constantly.
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
You'd always be able to come home again #IfIWereYourMom
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@chesplayschess   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom I'd put your annoying kid in a boiling pot with some spices
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom you would learn to dance! Happy #MothersDay
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@danageezus   ·  8 May 2016
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@andyhashtagger   ·  8 May 2016
#IfIWereYourMom All those unfunny jokes that would be me
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